woensdag 27 mei 2009

Lipstick Politics!

In about a week I have to figure out who deserves my vote! To me this is quite something serious. Previous times I really looked into some of the candidates and what they stood for. This year I seem not to be able to feel convinced about any person who is going to be on the ballot. Not that strange after the very turbulent political years we had.

The problem is that we here in Belgium have the honor of having the duty to vote! Democracy with a rather strange twist. And to make things even more surrealistic we end up going at least twice in five years time. If they screw up (and you can bet they do!) we even end up going twice a year. What then is very hard to figure out is what we vote for. This time we have to push the buttons ( I get to vote by touchscreen!) for the regional parliament and the European half circle of power.

The idea that you can't as a citizen getting the message across that you are just sick of the way political issues are taken care of really drives me nuts. It seems like this tiny nation is in chronical election fever and that already less half through their political term the politicians are only caring about the next campaign they face.

What even made it worse is that when you now drive through Belgium you get distracted by tons of electional billboards. One of those even made me cause an accident! Not kidding! I was so bewildered by their unique message and the picture that I just forget to pay attention! That half of the time it are sons or daughters of old politicians whose time has come to retire. Politics are now more then ever a family business. Not that I consider this a guarantee of better leadership.

So when P and I were discussing the upcoming elections and if one of us had already figured who to vote for I shrugged my shoulders. 'No idea what so ever! But hey, you know what? I take my bloody red lipgloss with me and write on my ballot the words: I vote for change!' P had to laugh about this. Guess that the one after me will wonder who wrote that sticky message on a screen! You can be sure that this will be noticed! I even came up with a name for this rather funny way of political disobedience : the Lipstick Revolution! So girls, get your most colorful lipstick out and just go for it! Who is with me?

P.S.: If you need any proof that lipstick does matter! Sarah Palin (google 'Lipstick Power') got her message across with wearing this beauty product with style. Only was the effect a bit less successful!

2 opmerkingen:

Inge zei

OK Stallie, dat is inderdaad misschien nog de beste oplossing. Je zou het me niet aangeven, maar ik heb hier nog een knalrode lippenstift liggen: kampmateriaal!
Slechts 1 probleem ... Hoe overtuigen we al die andere vrouwen nog tegen 7 juni?

Ilse Delo zei

Awel, ik ga er helemaal mee akkoord. Ik zal wel met een probleem zitten de zondag zelf. Zal extra moeten gaan kijken of er niet op de schermen geschreven is, zie de voorzitter het al zeggen, 'van wie komt dat idee' en dan ga ik even stil in mezelf lachen :)
Ale neem allemaal een lipstick mee and go for it :)