vrijdag 22 januari 2010

Being an edcuational advisor: chapter I

I am a wreck for the moment and I even met some people who made some comments about the way I looked. So guess that I am tired! Because the last few days I did put some extra time in my educational supervising job. Hours that were worthwhile and that I really enjoyed. Some of them I just spend in front of my tiny computer (that still not gives away all its secrets! Seems I have to tame the shrew!) and on the phone.

When I started out a few months ago I felt a bit out of place amongst colleagues that are working in a field that I did (and still) not know that well as they do. Thanks to some very nice people who were prepared to give it a go with me, gave me some time to find the right paste and also don't expect of me to be a wizard with a gigantic artillery of trics to use in case of an emergency I do now feel already more the educational supervisor that I hoped to be. I am not there yet but it have been for sure some good months.

Looking back the next few things come to mind:

-I do get lost when I drive to a new school but I do know that the next time I will come I will find it straight away! UHM!!! I hope....
-I do feel still a bit out of place but I do keep my mind open for tons of new ideas.
-I do not find a straight answer to every single question but I do feel confident enough to say out loud that I am not the genius.
-I do get upset when people think that I have an easy job but I do know that many people just don't know what they are talking about.
-I do know that people talk behind my back and make funny remarks about my ambitions but I do know that it is my life and not theirs that I always have to take into consideration.
-I do find the educational world very fascinating but I do know that there are always two sides to every story!
-I do meet people that are very selfish if it comes to sharing expertise and material but I do recognise myself in this attitude!
-I do meet tons of people that can't think outside the box but I do have tons of patience to listen to their side of the story.
-I do have to listen more then I need to talk but I do learn more then I ever would if I had to talk the whole time!
- I do feel now that I did make the right decission that September afternoon!

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