While hurricane Sandy was about to hit the US east coast and the rain was pouring down in Brussels I was hiding out in a warmer spot. Last night the Latin American music invaded my mind and made me move my body&soul to the rhytme that makes me feel so much lighter . I did spend that rainy night in the accoustic company of Juanes&co. They managed to get the National Circus of Brussels into the Ritmo Latino. The only thing that I was missing was a Cuba Libre or a Mojito to get even more into the Latin mood. And no, it does not take much in order to create this sensation. Juanes did bring along Alex Cuba and this fellow needed only a guitar and his warm voice to sing his way into our colder hearts. And because sometimes the music says it all am I going to keep it rather short and sweet:
P.S.: I do hope that all my readers at the US coast are safe and well and that there is not too much damage to face. And F, thanks for dragging me along! It was for sure a memorable night out in 'Bruxelas'.
2 opmerkingen:
Het was idd een fijne avond in Bruselas :-). Ik ben blij dat je bent meegegaan! Ik zal het me nog lang herinneren! Tot snel, voor het etentje dat we nog hebben in te halen!
Hoi Stallie! Alles ok met jou? Ik verwacht een Twilight entry, ben er zeker van dat je er al over nadenkt! Tot op ons etentje binnenkort, hé! Hou je goed, geniet tussendoor van een lekkere warme choco, 't is het seizoen! xxx liefs
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