I am almost there. A few more days and some very deep breaths and then it is mid term. One week then to just let go of the daily work related rummage. Seven days to fill up with activities and things that can create smiles on my face. A week ago I tempted to say that I got out unharmed. But it seems that once the report card were printed I just slipped away. But hey, I am fighting back.
One way in order to tackle this emotional crises is picking up once more books that seem to have been ignored for some obvious and less obvious reasons. And last night we had a winner when it comes down to letting Stallie landing back on her feet and giving into her real emotions. This one did let the words crawl under her skin and just go with the flow. It was such an intens moment that it even made me tremble. Not that I had not been warned about this book.
Not only the cover told me enough information but it was my friend N who almost had pushed this into my hands. She even seemed to have been surprised that I had not yet come across this one. N even used the word 'shame'! I stood there thinking that my boodlovers status was not holding up anymore. So I grateful accepted the copy she then handed me over and took it along home.
I have been spending quite some time in the world of books to make the distinguish between a good book and a read that touches your heart. The last ones are these books that stay with you even when you put them aside for a few hours or longer. These are the ones filled up with pages full of words that are put that delicately together that they manage to trigger something inside of you that is very strong.
It is the force that an author has to suddenly take you along to a trip of lifetime. He or she was so damn (pardon my French but this word is at it's place in this case!) good in puzzling together a story that just gets you hooked and then even manages to drift off to place where a story becomes so much more then 'just' a story. It becomes part of something extra ordinary it invades your mind and it is then booklovers perhaps can describe as a kind of 'book-nirvana'. The book will stick and this even long after the last page has been read or when you have stored it away on a shelf.
Booklovers out there will for sure know what I am talking about. Not that I can fully explain it to you but there are books that just can do something extra. Perhaps this is the league of books that have got the potential to be called a classic. After all when does a book become a classic? When does it have the potential to be read by human kind? When does it have the ability to get so much more said when you read between the lines? When is it a book in such a state published that it will always be with you? When are pages full of words that strong that they can touch your heart? When are you walking around with a copy that you just long to share it with other living souls?
Uhm, that is hard to say because what one thinks a good read might be the worst pages ever created by an author to an other person. But this one I just think belongs to be read by many of us. What is said or writen down by critics is mostly true about this one but you can only find out if you read yourself a book that does have this effect on you.
Well, today I finished one of those 'One Day' and the book just did all what many had promised me. It has entered my soul and touched me in an incredible way. The characters Emma and Dexter take you twenty years along in their 'seperate' lives. Perhaps not the most complex people you will ever come across on a page but in the simplicity of all the just become so much more at live. The dialogues suck you in a very profound way.
I can alrady tell you upfront that it will be very hard to put this one down. And that this is a book that will let you create wet cheeks. It wil also let you travel back into time and let you take a very good look at your own existence. It is a book that will make you feel alive and kicking. It are 435 pages that all have got the power to tell a true to life story.
Yes, I did need tissues to keep it dry. Yes, I wanted others to travel along with me while reading this one. Yes, I started to question my own walk of life, friendships and relationships. Yes, I did (and strongly do!!!) recommend others to read this one. Yes, I did drag along this book where ever I went. Yes, I even read this one standing and when I walked through hallways at work. Yes, this book has got at all to be called a damn good read?
One day you will pick up 'One Day' and you wonder why you did not sooner....
P.S.: Yes, the movie is also out of this one! Nope, I have not seen it yet but it is on my wish list but I am happy that I first read the real thing before moving on to the white screen Emma & Dex! And a great thank you to N!!!! You made me read a book that for sure made me feel more alive!
In case you want to get more into depth: One Day