Today A and I did drag half the content of our attic down the stairs. The 7 year old was all in smiles because he has got this such touching excitement going on when the Holidays pop around the corner. And yes, it is contagious. By the time we put all the decorations in the right places of our cold house my heart was glowing. Outside the first snow is fighting back against warmer temperature but I guess more will come soon of that white powder!
Also did the final countdown started. The Twelve days of Xmas is one of my favorite Holiday poems. And I also love to put on xmas cds and sign along. ot even caring that I am singing of key. And today I even created a xmas card with for the first time a family picture of the three of us on it. We have never done this before. Also the first ordered online xmas gifts arrived in boxes on our doorsteps. Best box that we did find this week was the gigantic one that my precious friend C did send me over. The beautiful content is now hanging in our xmas tree. I LOVE IT!!!
Not that my spirit is already totaly wrapped up in xmas spirit. Stallie is a total last minute person on that front. As long as I am running around at work and have things to deal with work related I just can not find the time to get all wrapped into xmas. Nope, I have not attented one single xmas market so far because and nope I have not bought my secret santa gift yet for a family member.
Peace I do hope to find once I leave work next Friday. After all that is what xmas should be about. For me the peace message this festive period tries to carry out is crucial. I love to share this with as many as possible and world wide. But then there are still people out there who seem to have been less inclined to be peaceful.
Yes, Belgium tends to be rather a boring place. That we needed over 500 days to find a new government and plan to govern was perhaps a desperate scream for attention. This week our Prime Minister Elio diRupo was asked by a Dutch regional camera the way to Manneke Pis and these guys did not even knew who he was. Not that he seemed to be upset about it. After all he is only human.
I wonder if this is the case with the person who decided to destroy the peaceful xmas spirit that lingered around in the streets of Liége. That person ended up destroying so much more. The destruction, the pain, the suffering and the loss that human being created out there was/is beyond any word. The images that I found out on the internet did show me more then I wished to see. It felt like I was tresspassing. I felt awkward and then the classic one liner did pop up:'Why in the world, did he do that? What was he thinking when he decided to pull the trigger'
Yes, I am tempted to go on now and trying to express to you what it has done to my mind. But then I want to keep believing in the fact that there are still more people out there who only want peace and not death as form of justification. Liége will end up in my annual newsletter and it will for sure linger around for many years in the common mind of the Belgian people. Some scars will never heal.
Most touching story I read the day after was about a teenager whose body will for over contain a left over of the person who 'destroyed'. Surgeons decided to let one of bullets in the kids his kidney. The idea that you have got something inside of you that is designed to hurt and kill must be undescrible.
So this week Stallie does intend to get into the spirit of Xmas. I also wish you a very nice week out there to get everything done you wish to get done to have the xmas you wish for. My list of wishes is this xmas rather short but I do hope that many will find peace of mind. And yes, every time when I light a candle many will be in my thaughts and prayers. It will be a prayer for peace and enlightment.
P.S.: I did not find a fitting song to go along whith this entry. But this weekend I got to see this gem. And a zen drummer is fur sure an enlightned soul.
1 opmerking:
I hope that one day my son, just like yours, will bring back a little happiness to the Holiday Season...
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