maandag 20 mei 2024

La Dolce Vita


Sweet Italian delights…crispy layers of tingling memories that cover up your heart
‘La vita é dolce!’, Italians whisper in the sweet perfume that lingers around many majestic towers during summer.
Scopes of luscious gelato, a piece of crispy tarte della nonna, numerous bottles of vino rosso to fill up your glass
Every bite or sip turns into a voyage to something beyond
No word that can describe what it feels like and tastes within when it hits your core
It feels lighter than anything that you ever have experienced

You are mesmerised by the effect and wish it to be everlasting and never-ending
You suddenly feel hypnotised and wonder why you never noticed how deep this sense can travel
You desperately hope that this is not just a split second but rather a sensation that will last a life time
You pick up every single item delicately and keep your senses open wide
You close your eyes and produce sounds that spill it all but only can be heard when you put your ear close to mine
You look upon the sky and hope to find there the secret recipe that you have been looking for ages
You open your eyes and look around to see if anyone is around who feels exactly like you do;

But then it hits you…

It is a false pretence to say that life is ‘dolce’ when it suddenly turns out to be rather bittersweet
There is a lot to be told about those dishes that rather taste as if someone has poured sadness into them.
Salt and pepper seem to have an advantage over vanilla, rosewater, orange blossoms and violet candies.  
The sharpness of these spices open up the rough side of your pallet
The part within your life that cuts deep and leave behind salty marks
They extinguish in no time when you have tried to sugar coat so many times with cinnamon and cardamon
Without no doubt you feel out of sync and you do wonder if it al was just a delusion

All the lemons, raspberries and apricots are suddenly a life time away and you do long
to be back in the shadow of the towers of San Gimignano

It is there that you have left behind that one memory that you now long for
Deep down you do know that you have to let go and and give in to the salt and pepper aftertaste the cooking time it deserves
but not without first trying to travel back to the exact moment that life all seemed perfect bliss and that every scoop of gelato withhold that one secret flavour that you just hoped to keep closer to your heart.

More and more I wonder if this is the dish that I was only once granted to order…
The aftertaste lingers around in my beloved memories…

Tonight I guess it is time for another scoop of ‘sorbetto al limone' in the hope to get as close as I can to that city filled up with towers in Tuscany where I tasted life at the fullest.

La vita é dolce quando é la perfetta…anche se fosse solo per un secondo!

P.S.: I have posted this today after been writing but not posting anything for a long time because I kind of lost my spark to do so...for sharing my writing with other feeling that in the end it are just my thoughts and my opinions but today a 87 year old one did ask me why I still do not just keep doing what I like doing and stop worrying about others might think about what I write.  Today I said goodbye to this exceptional lady who showed me in deeds that life is something you only get one go at and that you have to make it count.  She is the one who told me one day that she loves my writing and that I need to keep on writing no matter what.  Aunt M this one is for you...after all it was a bittersweet moment having to say goodbye to you knowing it was the final time before you exchange this life for what comes after it.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done and matters it still maters...





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