Uhm, I have this thing going on with my mailinglist for xmascards. I use to have a digital list of the people we did send A his birth announcement to. P managed to delete that one about a year ago. Happened right before xmas. I totally freaked out. P then came up with the sublime idea to just make a digital card and then mail that to all our friends and family. Yeah, right! We had already bought all our xmas cards so.... was I about to give them away to the Salvation Army or what?
I then sent some textmessages to friends to ask once more for their address: again!!!!! Well, I kind of forgot to write down the adresses our friends did mail us for the tenth time! Most of them seem even to forget that you do better put a return address on the back! I was brave enough to send one final request and also some first requests. And so now I have got this oldfashioned addressbooklet where I am going to note down all the mailing addresses and then never have to ask again.
You might wonder why I still prefer the 'real' xmas card to the rather modern one. Well, it is an act of love and labour I put into that one special card. People who know us for a very long time to know that we take quite some time to send out our newsletter. Our personal feedback of how we experienced the year out there. I hope to get started after I get back from my mum. Will be feeling as a stuffed turkey because of all the food that she will have prepared with love for us to digest with love!
I only write that in Dutch. It is a tradition. There are people who even check if they are still on the mailinglist and if I will still have the time to write that one letter. Uhm, well! This year I have a bit a writer's block but I hope that the champagne will do wonders.This year I was thinking of also translating it into English but I have second thaughts about that one. Would never be the same!
I can post it here and then you can perhaps put it through Google translation. You will then have a very good time trying to decrypt that one. So when I politely ask for your address I am not stalking you. I might get carried a bit away because of the spirit of xmas and that I do love to mail people real cards. But for all these people who this year won't get on the mailing list or rather prefer not to receive one I picked out the card here above as my personal xmas-card of the year 2010! Especially for the Twitter-family I get to spend a rather nice time with: this one is for you! Because these boys&girls, ladies&gentlemen will always stay on the Safe&Sweet Tweet Side of Life!
P.S.: I will be driving home for xmas (Boxing Day) and can't wait to hold E in my arms and look into those incredible brown eyes of hers where hope can still be found unconditionally!
Uhm, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The end is near! Stallie is about to collapse underneath the xmastree in our living room and move into the nativity set! Today I had to face the fact that I am just not going to make it into time for the picture perfect xmas I am after! Today I had the white flag out and just surrendered. Already for years I do know that I only will be in the mood once that I close the door of my classroom and all the kids have left the building.
Well, here in Belgium that is going to be on the 24th of December: xmas-eve!!! Prep-time for xmasdinner?? No need for that! Because first of all Sundays before xmas the supermarkets and many shops will be open! You can do all your gift shopping over the internet. You can start week before already start searching for that one ultimate herb you want in your xmas-turkey! That xmascard you can already write in October and then mail just before the Holidays! And you can start planning the menu and table setting for that one delicous dinner you are dreaming of with family or friends when the first xmas cooking issues pop up in November. Your party outfit you can even already fit and buy in August. So that you even have plenty of time to start loosing those extra pounds you want to get rid of. Timewise getting ready in order to celebrate xmas that should be a piece of cake!
Well, not for this girl because it only can be xmas when it is really xmas. When I feel it in my toes! Not that I have tried the last few days. Last Monday I even locked myself out. Don't ask me how I managed to do this but it just me! Stallie already being totally somewhere else instead of focusing on a 6y old dressed up for a polar expedition, a key and the alarm.
After dropping of A (thanks to this trip I finally believe A that there is a shortcut to school) I faced the music and went into Brussels to retrieve the spare remote-control of our garage. 'Ukkel-Overijse that is not the end of the world', I kept thinking very positively. 'It is going to be a nice trip!' Well, thanks to some very nice friends I first got a ride into the city! They first searched over the internet the right bus and metro (there does not ride a single metro to that hospital of P! I knew this! Very patient-friendly!) and then they handed me over a cup of coffee on the go! So there I went for a trip of a lifetime through my own capital.
Well, I travelled once more through the city where I have lost my heart to where I am totally convinced of that there is something very special about. That the heart of Europe beats here. That it takes a life time to unravel its hidden secrets & treasures. The moment I walked through the city covered up by a fresh coat of snow I caught once more a hint of what I love so much about Brussels!
By the time I made it into the hospital to look for P my body felt very warm. Not that the busride had been such a pleasure. No, it were many other small details that had given me back my smile on my face. I had seen it in some hidden corners: the postcard-like trainstation of Bosvoorde under construction, the many art nouveau houses which now had this extra touch of frost all over, the busstops with exoctic names like 'Brasil' or 'Montana' (what is in a name?), the desolated parcs that looked like they could be starring in 'Narnia', a stolen kiss on the bus, the mother who tried to get her kid to school in time, the older lady who nibbled on a croissant while waiting for the bus, Ter Kameren Bos that looked like a fairytale,....
I had called P I was coming in. Mondays is procedure day! So that I got to see him in scrubs and in action was a nice consolation prize. Also catching up with the nurses who P gets to spend so much time with! But no time to waste! I wanted to get back in time. Back on the bus and then change lines at Auderghem. Well, there I faced my next hurdle. No bus heading for Overijse in the near future. And on top of things I had to walk first to a cash machine to get money out of the bank because (Minister Quickie!!! perhaps something you can do about!)my Brussels Jump-ticket does not work for a Flemish busline leaving Brussels! So then I decided to plug in once my headphones and I start to walk home.
Yes, I did! People like Myrlene, Laura, Robbie, Madonna, the whole Putumayo Brazilian Lounge collection and the 'Twilight'-score kept me company. I walked through a real Winter Wonderland. There were moments I felt quite alone in that gorgeously looking forest. It was on that walk that I felt that xmas was near that it was about to re-enter my life. I took plenty of pics with my faithful little camera!
When I then walked into our streets I felt refreshed and was glowing. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer must have felt quite humble compared to my composure. The downside was when I got home it was about to time to pick up A at school. And when I then pushed the button of the remote control I panicked because nothing happened! Our garage porch stayed closed like a high security vault. Fifteen minutes later, two very loud yelling phonecalls with P (nurses must think by now that I am a kind of insane!) and keep on pushing on that tiny little button like a madwoman I finally re-entered my own kitchen for a hot cup of George Clooney coffee!
Well, I made it and yes thanks to that little tiny detail I got to walk through a gorgeous and breathtaking Winter Wonderland. The downside is now that all my shoppingplans vanished into thin air. P was smart and got out to buy his own xmas present. I have wrapped now some of the hidden presents but the major ones (including my own! Because I am going to spoil myself!! YES!!!) still need to be bought. I am going to get there! When?
Well, when the next snow storm did pass by. When is that? Now idea? I have things planned the next 24 hours to 2 weeks. I will be passing out report cards and smile even at Newborns and then celebrate in the company of my co-workers. The Holiday season kickoff is then a fact and then 24 hours later I will hope to be unwrapping presents with A! I am driving home for xmas as well and meeting up with family, old and new friends! P will be in and out and also in the way! He is a few days evicted from the hospital but will be hiding in his private practice in case you are in need of someone with a medical degree!
In case I get snowed in I wish you all the very best xmas! Wherever you are! I also wish to thank all my secret and less secret readers. Even the ones who caused my pain or kept me awake at night. Thanks for reading me. Also all my Twitter-friends who add some extra color to my life.
P and A of course can't and won't be forgotten! The two of you are my greatest source of inspiration. The reason that the blog is alive and kicking! Santa has already planted a huge box underneath the tree for a 6y old who is growing to fast. P will have to pick out his own present. He hates surprises but he has got this major important birthday coming up in 2011! So in case you have not gotten tired of us: tune back in soon! We will be back with some more stories. 'As Life Goes By' I realise more and more that I am so lucky.... Have yourself a merry little xmas and I wish you a very big box filled up with love, peace, health, joy and inspiration! And that the unwrapping takes place in the company of those you hold close to your hearts!
P.S.: Yes, I picked this song months ago. At least I was in time with this one! 'Samson & Gert' are already over 20 years entertaining very young and old. Gert is still the same guy! Samson not but this song I do think is about that one feeling that we should cherish the most and can't wrap up: PEACE!
In case you are wondering if I am totally obsessed with 'Twilight' and do not seem to notice anything else worthwhile out there in the 'arty-farty'-world then I want to assure you by this entry. I am a 'Capricorn' and in many ways very conventional and stick to many traditional stuff. Yes, I must admit that this 'Twilight'-thingy is a bit more then just a phase but it also triggers my urge to travel back into time literature-wise. Then I dive into my boxes filled up with dusty college books and then check out the books that are way in the back of my cupboard. Hidden treasures then start popping up in our house!
While browsing around on the internet (searching for a suitable quote for our xmas-card) I came across to a very special illusterous poet: Percy Byssche Shelley! One who has got to honor to have one of those breathtaking Memorials! When you will by accident ever walk by while walking around on the campus of Oxford University you will be silenced by this one! It is such a powerful marble statue! If you have got the time to spare you should sit down there and take a break. And let the marble speak for itself!
If you wonder who Shelley is, you can best google him. A very nice reference site is: www.online-literature.com and then search for Percy Shelley. Here you can read up on him, his life and work. Seemed that this guy had a preference for the dramatic and romantic way of treating life. Many notorious & famous British men had the honor to call him a friend. Friendship was to Shelley very important! It even caused him financial heartaches once in a while.
For a guy who lived in the 19th century he was rather a rebel, a man with outspoken opinions, a political activist, an atheist, a traveller, a true romantic soul, and much more. I challenge you to read up on him because what you will find out about him does make him an exceptional poet. What do I like best about Shelley? Well, perhaps that his poems are so well structured and have such a depth! That he choose his words so well and ..... Hey, check this out for yourself. Because in the case of literature, poetry, art and music we don't have to agree at all. I just try to point out that knowing your classics can still brighten up your day!
And no, I have not intently picked this poem because of a certain vampire word! Nope, this is just a coincidence! Although, if I come to think of it.... I can picture Edward Cullen reciting this to his Bella at the end of'New Moon'! You don't need to agree with me! Uhm,... I am tempted now to go on that Shelley might have bumped into Carlisle Cullen at the time! LOL! If not in London then in Italy! And the biggest coincidence: they are both vegetarians! Just coincidences! Don't you love such coincidences!?
'O Mary dear, that you were here With your brown eyes bright and clear. And your sweet voice, like a bird Singing love to its lone mate In the ivy bower disconsolate; Voice the sweetest ever heard! And your brow more... Than the ... sky Of this azure Italy. Mary dear, come to me soon, I am not well whilst thou art far; As sunset to the sphered moon, As twilight to the western star, Thou, beloved, art to me.
O Mary dear, that you were here; The Castle echo whispers 'Here!'
—“To Mary” (1818)
P.S.: HINT HINT!!! Poetry by Shelley could be the perfect romantic xmasgift. Wrap it in nice giftpaper and then a big red bow around it! I would die for such a gift and the side effects of such a xmas-gift are not suitable for publication! LOL
P.S.2: In case you wonder who the beauty in this picture is. I don't know! This painting is by John Godward, a neo-classic painter. Would love to have a reproduction of this in my office! Idea for a birthdaypresent!
The grading is almost done! English reportcards I did put on my TODO-list for Monday! All the other grades left the building! Juniors impressed me once more. Their revision test was rather impressive to grade. I even had to point out to some colleagues that I am not used to such high grades. But they gained these fair and square!
So x-mas is nearing! It took me quite some time to let it enter into my heart. But today I felt it in my bones. That 'Last X-mas' by Wham is playing over and over on the radio only adds up to my x-mas spirit! The chain reaction seems to have also some positive side effects but I do know that starting today I will be running all over to create the Holiday-season I want so badly.
For now I am enjoying ever bit of the pre-Holiday-fun! Highlights of the week were:
- 'Soep op de Stoep', Juniors sold soup for the good cause @school and for some kids @school who do need some financial support! - Seniors are walking around with a money box to gather some funds for 'Music for Life'! I am already pimped up a few weeks with my AIDS-ribbon and have been teaching about the subject. Believe me, education on these matters is needed badly! Even around the corner! I wish Thomas, Sofie and Sam a very nice time out there in their 'glazen huis'. - Planning, grading, cursing, having a cold, browsing, wishing, gliding,... tons of verbs I did the last week with in the background xmas-carols or some typical 'cheesy' pop-tunes that only pop up when the xmastrees and light are up as well! - I saved my favorite sandwichbar from burning down. While having lunch there I suddenly smelled something less edible and next I saw a little lampstand on fire. 'FIRE, I yelled and made a run for the exit. But nobody seemed to be impressed by this. There even was one who first finished her tiramisu before making it for the door! I saved a building, a bussiness and four people and myself! I felt a bit the hero of the day. I was the one with vampire speed that day! ;-) - A his first late night musical performance! For weeks he was humming, dancing, singing through the house. But yesterday I saw him having the time of this life on stage! Awesome stageperformance! And the best dancing baker of Flanders is to be found under our roof! I was so proud of him! - Starting to think about our annual newsletter! People are already asking me about it. And have not started yet! Even P is bugging me. 'When are you going to start writing! Is it finished!' NO, I first have finish some other stuff before I am mentally able to get started on that one! I still need to buy xmascards and later today I have to mail the insane request once more to mail me your address because I was so stupid to forget to write them down somewhere! Sorry about that! Hope you can forgive me but most people also forget to write their address on the back of their envelop! - Twittering with some new Twitter-friends. I made some nice friends on the Tweet-side of life. And yes, I do look forward to the ones PF sends out into the digital world. Especially with 'Breaking Dawn' being filmed out there in Louisiana and Vancouver. - Facing the Holiday rush and that one is still not kicking in. I have not a single postcard in the house, not a single present is wrapped and the important gifts still have to be bought! I am going to be into a pickle this year! - Cursing at snow. Hey, I do love Winter Wonderland but this is a bit to much to handle. We even had to cancel a dinner at a very nice restaurant because of the white flakes and icy roads. N her birthday-party is even going to be a questionmark! Hate to do this to her but snow, cars and P that is an impossible combination! - Getting totally into 'Jane Eyre'. On channel 'één' will be Saturday night the fourth and final part of this impressive BBC mini-series. Love that story and to me Mr Edward Rochester is for sure a character that I would love to invite over for tea. When a co-worker asked me if I watch 'Jane Eyre' I almost went bezerk. 'Ahhhh, Toby Stephens on a horse! You bet I do!' I then started to rave on about Mr Rochester & Jane! And linking it of course to Edward Cullen and his beloved (but also a bit doomed!) Bella. A total comparison is inappropriate! But at least Stephenie Meyer knew for sure her classics when she put down Edward Cullen on paper.
Hey, I have to cut this one short because I am going to command P to leave the livingroom, make myself a nice cocktail and then the sofa & remote control are mine! Mr Rochester, in a way you don't deserve Jane but Charlotte Brontë decided differently about that! Like one rather less nice Twilight character by the name of Jane (!) says in the Twilight movie 'Eclipse':Decisions, decisions!' Uhm, I think the biggest decisions I have to make in the next 3 weeks will be involving food: one or two servings! Or what about a third?'
P.S.: In case you wonder why I would invite Toby Stephens over for coffee (he prefers coffee over tea) then you find here some reasons why he made it on my VIP-guestlist: Six Reasons Why Toby Stephens is Awesome
P.S.2: Yes, very cheesy xmas-song but it is this one that I, radiowise, associate with the beginning of the Holiday-season! And I gave many times at x-mas my heart away to someone special.
'I am in the middle of a chain reaction!'is sounding through my headphones and I go completely insane. I am trying to snap out of it by moving around through my kitchen but this is going to need some time. With freezing temperatures outside, snow being back on the radar and tissues popping out every where I am I can state very honestly that I am on the edge of insanity! Not to mention that my xmashopping is still an abstract thing.
Wednesdays equals newborns in class! Lately 60% of them are behaving! One class has even managed to make the transition successfully! They will find the proof of that in their reportcards in a certain column! A column that matters the most to me. Teaching them 'Leefsleutel' ('Keys To Life') is for sure a challenge but I never give up trying. Not a single soul is left behind.
December is to me a certain deadline for mental revision of my teaching audience. I then prepare lessons in which they will show that they can think outside the box. That they have moved on from the 'I' and 'YOU'-stage to the 'WE'-stage. Because in order to move on to the next level they will need to be able to be teamplayers.
Today I had them write down wishes in order to discuss them and point out that you have all sorts of wishes! You can wish tons of stuff for yourself (ALL I WANT FOR XMAS IS ANDROID or iPHONE!!!! LOL) or for someone close to you (I wish you a nice boyfriend) and then perhaps have some left for the other 5,999,999,998 people around (peace and no war, tons of LOVE!!!). After a short class discussion they got to write down a selection of their wishes on big posters.
In one class we had a blast and they went the whole way! We also had a very good time in the computer room and when a co-worker walked in she wondered if there was an exam going on! Nope, they were extremely busy looking up stuff about Paul Klee (task for Art-classes) and therefor using a search engine in the most efficient way ever. By the break even my cold was getting better and this without any extra painkillers.
Well, hold your horses, Stallie,class #2 is the ultimate test ! And by the time we moved out of the computer room I was already a worn out voodoo-doll! You know then that all it takes is just one more trigger to just let you go ballestic! Well, just around 11 am this teacher slammed a door and left her classroom! My blood pressure hit the roof and I just wanted to scream!
Why? Well, while I was right in the middle of a very serious monologue in which I was trying to explain to these very fierce teenagers that this is the final wake up call! That if they are planning to... Well, I did not get any further because then my eyes caught the sight a certain white round flying object!
Did you ever experience that one split second that the world seems to stand still and that your mind is blocking out everything except that one image and that your brain seems to split into two halves? That your brain seems to work in slow motion but that you can actually sense it working very vividly? That the neutrons, or are it in this case rather neurons (?), (I am screwing this process up but physics was never my best subject! Sorry!) are banging into eachother and that you are about to colide with all the natural forces you experience inside and outside of your body! It seems then there are fireworks going of inside your head! You then seem to forget that you are in a place where certain rules apply!
Well, Stallie her mind was only picking up that one object and the kid who did this! And that was all it took to make me get up, run for the door, leave and slam the door! SLAMMING IT VERY HARD!! I was about to start banging my head into the wall and call them names that are not up for publication when there suddenly happened to be a coworker passing by. He then offered his help and walked in with his best straight face ever!
Can assure you that it is rather sureal to hear a teenager tell what went on to an other teacher while you are standing outside and they can't see or hear you! I was about to crack and tempted to walk in..... The pupil then told very plainly that he/she was so surprised that I couldn't handle flying objects!!!!!!! I am not kidding, he/she was genuinely set back by what taken place after his/her action had taken place! My co-worker tried to point out that he would have been upset as well by such an action!
In the end we all calmed down and I went back in with my best pokerface on! When they were heading out of class the 'guilty' pupil stayed lingering around and then offered his/her excuses. I let him/her go with a smile on his/her face.. Okay, I might have overreacted a bit but it was the force, the physics that made me go off!
P.S.: Best wish of that was on the list: I wish for more 'Twilight'-movies! This time it was a boy who wrote this down! Love the kid! Also the one with the flying objects. Still, if it comes down to trigger mechanisms then Carlisle Cullen will still win from million truck loads of paper wads!
P.S.: No nice original recording by Diane Ross of this amazing song to be found on YouTube. But with the drums 'Steps' added I kind of like it. I hear tons of doors slamming and explosions!
Today A and I had a last P-free day! We enjoyed ever single minute of not having to take him into consideration. I do admit that I am bit envious of him being over in NYC! A city that stands in a way for the beginning of our relationship. When he then twice a year flies into vibrant Big Apple without me I do get a bit cranky. And that I give him along a gigantic long shopping list does not make up for that. But after a few years him flying solo to many medical congresses and meetings and me allowing also my own share of travelling all by myself I seem to have calmed down.
P will be tonight boarding the red eye to Brussels and we do welcome him back. But the moment he will walk in I will need some time to re-adjust. Okay, I know, I do complain numerous times that he seems not to be around as much as I want him to be. It is also not that fun to have a rather less romantic soul as a partner who seems to forget that a mobile is in the first place to talk into instead of sending very down earth text messages with. And he is on Twitter but I doubt it that he has read any of my sweet or cheesy messages that I tweeted him!
But I do know that he had fun out there. NYC makes him back alive and kicking and he needs that so badly. He will rave about the Italian or Japanese restaurants he will have tried out, the newest Apple gadgets he has checked out, the long walks he loved above the rather tiring drives in the yellow cabs, he will have been shopping (because P does love to shop, he even has been on a xmas-mission!!! ;-) ) and have met up with some celebrities in his professional field or perhaps be standing in the elevator of his fancy hotel with a hot shot celebrity.
I even had the insane request, while he was being very busy looking up travel info on his iPad, to bring back Peter Facinelli as a souvenire. Normally P never reacts to such outrageously demands but he looked up and asked me in a very interested voice:'Is that the blond one with his hair back in 'Twilight'?' I was rather surpised by this question. He seemed to make a mental note of this and then went on acting busy. Chances are few that PF did fit into that Samsonite suitcase of his!
So, in less then 12 hours I will have P back to hold on to and hug him to death and then can we fuss over tons of silly details. But A and I had fun and this without him. I am not going to tell many details of the adventures we went on but we had just a good time. A did point a few times that he missed his dad but he was so kind to point out as well that he loved me having full time! I included him in all the fun and he even picked out some jewelery for a grown up lady who is celebrating her birthday very soon!
One of my personal highlights of the week was having F over the evening and talking mostly about how your attitude towards life changes by living abroad. And I also had a less shiny moment when I grabbed the bottle of rum and organised my private happy hour in order to get over a certain issue. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures! So yes, I got a bit tipsy!
Yes, I have been feeling rather happy without my other signifcant one being around but perhaps I managed for the very first time to settle for the advantages of not having him around for a few days. My mum had warned me when I started dating him that it would never be easy and that I would end up doing many things alone or in the company of minors. I saw her doing it successfully and never complain openly about it. But still, do I now have respect for her that she managed to keep everything up running smoothly without my dad. The later did spend more time in the ER then at home.
This weekend we also went decoration shopping and our four star buy of the month turned out to be a globe. It is now standing in a corner of our living room. I love globes and this one is rather tiny but the light it sends into the dark space is very comfy and cozy-like and even romantic. A and I already have been travelling all over. He of course wanted to know where NYC was and where Switzerland was! He also pointed out very sharply that he wants to start travelling in the company of the two of us.
A is ready to conquer the world. All we need to do is convince his dad that he is up for the travelling bit, the long hours in the car (the new car arrived into our lives and I JUST ADORE THIS ONE!! Read my lips: I ADORE P HIS CAR! Miracles do exist!!), the packing, the waiting in airports or when standing still in long traffic jams, the car sickness, having to deal with many side-effects of travelling... He wants to check out all those places that his parents rave about and show him pictures about. He wants to see, feel, smell, touch, taste for himself and make up his mind about that round object! That globe is about to stay in our living room as a constant reminder that the three of us want to be worldcitizens!
P.S.:P happy homecoming!! I hope that the city that never sleeps has granted him the time he was after. Okay, he does not sound as 'An Englishman in New York'. P his English makes you wonder if he is French! I fell for that accent and I still do!
Yes, I still have some dilemmas going on when Juju plays Kim! Then I am about to put on my 'I am Switzerland'-shirt and try to be very impartial. I never try to compare both these two exceptional players. Justine is not Kim, and Kim will never be Justine. Many journalist are trying to point out where both players could have met up and what they could learn from each other.
Kim was called many times to nice to be hitting balls in the very tough world of tennis. Justine was then considered more a girl who would even consider her tennis racket as a weapon suitable for mass destruction. One has got tons of friends running around in the circuit, the other is considered being rather a loner. So Justine and Kim are in many ways extreme opposites.
I have to admit that I do like Justine her backhand better then the one Kim pulls out of her sleeves. But when it comes down to smiles I prefer Kim her very open book face and sincere emotions. It is funny to say but once these two ladies get on the field and face each other then inside of me a war is going on. I cheer for both because I badly want them both to play their best tennis. Not to give up that easily and not let it be a walk over.
The last tennis season was for both tennis ladies for sure a season to remember. Kim showed the world out there that her comeback is a fact and she became a grown up lady who is also able to hit very focused a flying object across a field. This even after a car accident. The girl of Wépion also hit graciously the balls over the net but admits more openly that it is going to take some time to be back where she wants to be.
Justine and Kim, both Twitter and I both follow them. Kim is sometimes very funny and like predicted is Justine rather down to earth when sending out 140 characters into the open digital world. The more personal Tweets of Justine still feel a bit awkward. Happens Justine and I both love to have dinner/lunch in a very 'happy' place in Waver! We have already dragged many of our friends to that place! So you never know...
Last week I was then also very glad to see them having a press moment together and that they admited they were considering to team up for the next Olympics. It is sad to state but in the previous years these two ladies were never granted a fair chance to team up on a field. We never made it easy on them, and they not on themselves and not to mention the coaches and fathers who where also making confusing statements why or why not an Olympic double could be a reality.
Kim and Justine seem now to be able to add up the numbers and figure out what they will get in return when they will finally give it one ultimate hit. Let us be honest in a way it is going to be scary to see them both at the same side of the net. Not that they have not tried before but it always seemed something was in the way.
2012 is for sure an option for teaming up! It is going to be the Olympic year where the Olymics will be so close to our homes. They will be both playing in their backyard. And this on a field that they know very well and not has got that many secrets left! But perhaps they do need each other to win on that ultimate divine surface!
So, I am going to keep my fingers crossed in the next 1,5 year that they both stay focussed, don't suffer to many mental breakdowns or get serious injured. Because I would love to see them both out there like once Dominique Monami and Els Callens did at the Olympic games of Barcelona. I never again saw two Belgian tennisgirls have so much fun and at the same time get their points across the field. For once I want to have Kim and Justine to have just one thing in common: the urge to win an Olympic medal of the same color and this for once by playing their best tennis and this together!
I want them to play together, to see them having tactic conversations, hold out for each others hand, cheer each other on while standing next to each other, 'fool' together the opponent, motivate each other to try harder, take breaks sitting next to each other without having to hide under a towel, practice together and feel and experience together the happiness that will make them the best 'divine' tennisplayers ever. They have missed out golden opportunities before and in 2012 it will the last shot they get to go out and come home together and climb Olympos as a team! Let it be a climb to remember!
P.S.: So I wish the picture here above to be a bit different. No net in between of them, each holding out a hand on their shoulders, and facing each other instead of looking ahead! It will be a divine sight, one that will make them the players they truely can be!
P.S.2: I know that Kim loves to listen to the music of Ozark Henry and that Justine goes wild for the voice of her very close friend Lara Fabian. I both like them! So I flipped coins as well to make up my mind for picking out a song that goes along with this entry. 'Immortelle' by Lara Fabian would for sure be a fitting song to be on Justine her MP3 player!
For the moment I am to busy to write a long blogentry. I would love to linger around but I don't seem to be able. Last week the Comenius team was back in action and this time we had the whole international bunch over for 4 to 6 days. Meaning that P, A & I were only meeting up in the mornings! Or I even got stuck in Mechelen because of snow.
I had a real good time during the project week. Stress and tired I was as well. And yes, I even crashed once behind closed doors because I once more found out that I just can't manage to keep all living souls happy. But by Saturday morning while walking all by myself through awakening Brussels I felt so much more alive and did I experience that one feeling I would love to bottle and pass out while walking around through stress-country.
Like mentioned before I am bubble wrapped and I refuse to get unwrapped! Already I have been challenged a few times. On top of this I am under attack by germs and virusses. And you will see that by the time P is on his way to NYC for one of the medical congress that I will badly be in need of Carlisle Cullen. My ears hurt and most of the staff and pupils I run into are sneezing and spread around their fun! Try to hide but even the flu shot I got a few months ago won't be able to protect me from all harm. So I am trying to face the enemy!
Still, the world around is wrapping itself up for the Holidays. A is already singing xmas-carols. He even doesn't mind to do this while running around in a shop wearing only his underwear. I was about to freak out but then this 6y old was having such a good time and looked so happy with this undestroyable sparkle in his eyes! P even hold me back when I wanted to do intervention.
But the stress is still all around. People start to get anxious and loose it sometimes. I have seen, eperienced and felt it so close by and then I badly want to hug many to set the stress free. Yes, Stallie feels then so much like Esme Cullen who is about to hug to death the whole globe. I would love to make other see that compassion (uhm, Carlise Cullen is always looming around the corner) and love should be given some more air time.
It is like the unconditional tokens of love that A gives me. The many stolen kisses, the unexpected hugs in front of the school gate, the kisses he throws into air for me to catch, the smiles he shows when he sees me after school or when I feed him pasta and the content face I get to enjoy while he is about to fall asleep. It is that I get fueled up and try to hold on to the force that has to get me through the day. A day that starts dark and cold and will end in the same setting.
Many times I feel so sad not to be able to share that one split second that I do feel the energy and that my mind is fully aware of what matters the most. That I am able to put things in the right perspective. That I am so much alive and kicking that I could scream it from the roof tops! I then don't want to be selfish I then badly want to share and pass on all I have got and experience. Because I want to keep this feeling alive as long as possible.
And yes, you can't deny it, even you, you out there who is perhaps most of the time wrapped into turmoil and seems to be over at the dark side knows what I am talking about. It might only come up to the surface when we expect it the least and in most cases it overwhelms us. It can happen anyplace, anywhere and at anytime. But it is so unpredictable that when we are confronting it that before we know it already is gone what is left is the memory. Precious moments of pure happiness that we only have been sharing with few and forn just a few minutes.
To make sure that I get my message across I post here the blog-entry that Youp Van 't Hek wrote a few days ago. While reading it I smiled and travelled back to a some very awesome moments that I had the last few weeks. Okay, the ultimate test will to make to the last week before xmasbreak and keep up the spirit! You can be sure that when I want to touch you, hug you, give you a compliment, wink at you, pat you on the shoulder, pass on some piece of advice that all I try to do is share the ultimate bliss so that you make it safely into the holidays.
So please forgive me when I will point out once in a while that you need to try harder, to push your own limits, have a bit more patience or tell you that you just can't give up or just can't choose the easy way out. The world out there deserves people who once in a while try harder and push their limits, show their full potential! You can rest assured that I will cheer you all on! So keep hanging on!
Omdat ik erbij was. Daarom weet ik dat het waar is. Dat het echt gebeurd is. Dat het geen droom was. Niet een of andere vreemdsoortige hallucinatie. Geen paddotrip. Niks van dat al.
Het is echt gebeurd. Helemaal echt. Ben er nog steeds duizelig van. Duizelig van de poëtische kant van de zaak. De pure schoonheid. De niet te omschrijven snelheid. Het onnavolgbare schouwspel. Mijn ogen schreeuwden ooohhh en aaahhh, terwijl mijn mond zweeg van verbazing. Ik beet soms in mijn hand. Eerst zacht, later wat harder. Ik keek naar mijn buurman. Hij lachte. Ik lachte. En we zagen dat iedereen ons nadeed. Iedereen lachte. Of deden wij iedereen na? Ik weet het niet.
De vrolijkheid begon ergens en sloeg vanzelf over op ons allemaal. Vlug? Eigenlijk al na één minuut. Het zinderde. Gaf kippenvel. Een rug vol huiver. Prettige huiver. Het deed me aan topgerechten denken. Die smaaksensatie. Een mooie ontploffing in je mond. Of aan een boek dat je niet weg kunt leggen. Een boek waarin de bladzijden zichzelf omslaan. Of een circusact. Iets spectaculairs met acrobaten. Of een vrouw. Een beeldschone vrouw. Onbereikbaar gracieus. Je hart zucht, je buik kriebelt, je hersens jeuken. Of een feest. Een feest met de juiste mensen, de juiste muziek die je jong maakt. Zo jong dat je benen vanzelf gaan dansen. Of een stukje Callas in haar hoogtijdagen. Een aria die door je ziel snijdt. Of een onschuldig kind dat onverstaanbaar vrolijk brabbelt en daardoor zo verschrikkelijk de waarheid spreekt.
Ik kan het niet anders omschrijven dan zo. Ik moet het kwijt en kan het niet kwijt. Omdat het letterlijk en figuurlijk onbeschrijflijk is. Wie er bij was was er bij. En alleen zij begrijpen wat ik bedoel. De geur, het lawaai, de sensatie, de saamhorigheid, de lach, de schoonheid, de overtreffende trap.
Het was op tv. Velen hebben het daar gezien. En ook zij vonden het mooi. Heel mooi zelfs.
Maar ze waren er niet echt bij. Ze voelden niet de regendruppels die zich in de loop van de avond aanpasten en aangenaam lauw werden. Heerlijke douche. Zij zagen niet de vogels die met duizenden tegelijk boven het gebeuren gingen hangen om te zien of het echt waar was. Het was waar. Echt waar. En niemand hoorde de muziek die ik hoorde. Het tweede deel van het pianoconcert van Ravel. Op die goddelijke muziek werd het ballet uitgevoerd. Was het een ballet? Nee! En ja! Ja, het was een ballet. Een schitterend ballet. En dat was het ook weer niet. Niet officieel althans. Ik zag het als ballet.
Waar dit stukje over gaat? Over iets waar ik bij was. En waar ik euforisch over ben. Of u er ook heen kunt? Nee, want het wordt niet herhaald. Omdat dat niet kan. Ja, je kunt de herhaling op televisie zien, maar dan is de prik van de champagne. Je moest het live zien. Zien en horen. Horen en voelen.
Zacht geloofde ik weer even in god. Voorzichtig. Niet echt. Maar ik dacht even dat god met een joystick op een wolk zat. Ik heb de hemel afgetuurd om dat te controleren. Maar ik zag niemand.
Mijn zoon was er bij. Hij en ik waren samen. En hoeven elkaar vanaf nu alleen nog maar aan te kijken. Meer niet. De blik is genoeg. Onze ogen glimmen elkaar toe. Onze monden moeten vanzelf lachen. We kunnen niet anders. En we nemen het mee. Lichte bagage voor de rest van ons leven. Vederlichte bagage. Te tillen met onze wimpers. In moeilijke dagen zullen we er op teren. Teren op de herinnering aan die avond. Die avond in november 2010. Die zinderende maandagavond.
Onze hoofden zullen zich regelmatig vol neuriën, onze harten kloppen dan ritmisch mee en onze voeten zullen dansen zonder dat iemand het ziet. We waren bij de hoogmis. De absolute hoogmis. En kijken sprakeloos terug op afgelopen maandag. Barcelona – Real Madrid. Camp Nou. Vijf nul! Amen."
(bron: Youp Van t' Heck, NRC-Handelsblad, 4 december 2010)
P.S.: I choose Scratch of Ice Age as a very fitting image to go along with this blogentry. He never gives up and when he finally gets his hands on that one special nut he seems to be so happy that he starts glow! He holds on to his dreams and he acts according to this!
P.S.2: I choose my favorite song (for the moment I play this while I drive to work and home and face the cold morning & evening) by Marco Borsato. It is in Dutch. But is about 'Dreaming, Dare,Do & Share'
One of my Blog-friends, Marina ,(you can find her blog in the list of blogs I do follow) sometimes tries (and she succeeds in doing so) to get me into a good mood. A few days ago she awarded my blog and yesterday she challenged me. She wanted me to write down five reasons why I do love blogging and as well five reasons why I hate blogging. I first was a bit doubting putting this down. Still, I needed some 'closure' after writing 'Taking Five...'. The answers I came up with are:
I 'LOVE' (and this for sure) about blogging:
- putting my thaughts and feelings down on a keyboard and share them with others - meeting and discovering tons of interesting people from all over the world (You came into my life thanks to the blog!) - using my imagination without being disturbed - time for reflection and then being able to put things in the right perspective - learning tons of new things about countries, cultures, nature, cities, trends, fashion,.....
(These five I was able to type in a record time!)
I 'HATE' blogging because:
- I sometimes forget time while blogging and time catches always up with me! - it can create some misunderstandings! (a writen word you can't take back that easily) - I sometimes seem to forget the limits of the digital world and I get backfired at! - I once in a while then seem to be a rather less social person to my loved ones! - typos and editing take up so much extra time in which I could have writen already a second entry! ;-))
(These five took me so much longer!)
Guess that I still want to stay out here. I don't know for how long! It started out with a very short entry and I have no clue where it will take me. In a sense I do feel that for me blogging is a bit like therapy! I always liked to write stuff down and on top of that it does bring me happiness! That there are moments that it will let me land back on my two feet and grant me the time to put things back into the right perspective.
So, even in the world of Blogging also 'Love and hate are a beautiful combination!'. Still not thinking of 'erasing' this blog!
'Hey mum! Look! They are putting up the xmas-lights! I love xmas!', A said when he saw some community workers putting up the lights! I was smiling when he said this. A loves xmas as much as I do. We are partners in crime if it comes down to celebrating special moments and holidays. It also it was then it hit me that in exact one month it will xmas! That 2010 is about to come to an end. Time flies!
At the same time it is also the time of the year that I would like to snap out of some situations. It is during this period of the year that I do really have to try to keep peace on earth for all! Like I am tested! It is then that tons of people seem to be on a mission to attack me mentally! Stallie then is about to show her fangs.
I have some issues going on for the moment and I am realy trying to stay out of a mental pickle! This time I am not going to let me get down under! Digital I am going completely insane because of our yearly advent project! With a title as:'There is music into it....' I was politely forced to search for the ultimate xmas song to 'heaten' up the cold playground and hallways of our school. About 48 hours ago I was already turned into walking xmas-jukebox! Made some musical (re)-discoveries and I can't wait for the 1st of December because then Coldplay will release their xmas-song!
The problem with whole this project is that it has taken possession of my whole mind. My mind is full of it! Mindfullness has entered my life! Huray! As a result I am now kind of neglecting all the rest. And all the rest is as important as this project. Okay, if my nice colleague grants me her blessing, and I manage to find the lyrics of a certain song and find some nice image to go along with all the writen work then I get my release-papers signed and can move on to all the other items that are on the Never-Ending-To-Do-list.
I know that when I am in a state like this that I tend to forget stuff! Need to speed up things a bit and that people around me seem to be a bit harder on me. They think it is funny to see a stressed out voodoo-doll running around at work. Okay, but they then also seem to forget if I don't do this (and take this to heart) then this project won't see the daylight in time. Not that others are not capable of doing this but for the moment I am bit solo on this, or this what it feels like. What is not true but I guess many of us feel like flying solo once in a while and then find out that have got a few wingmen out there!
Well, sometimes this girl just tends to take things too much at heart. I did choose Religion as a minor at teaching college. A choice I made completely by myself and for some very personal reasons! For me the bible is still a very book full of stories that can go the distance. I still pray, believe in people and the force that it is hiding out there and also alive and kicking in every human being. And this against all odds.
Even all the negative news that I came across can't change that. Negative stockexchange news about Belgium, still no government, Ireland in a financial turmoil, Germany threatened by terrorist attacks, many terrorist arrests, English universities occupied by angry students, dirty Facebook wars, Wikileaks about to create a diplomatic turmoil,..... NO, it can not and will not get me down on my knees!
'BELIEVE' is a word I came across the last few days and I really want to do so. It is at this time of the year that we seem to dive first into the negative zone and then get wrapped up in bubble wrap to sit down under the xmas-tree and sing about joy and peace on earth! It seems that it only during those few days that we seem to take the time to go a little but further in many things! That hope is allowed back into our hearts and that we for about 48 hours can picture a world that is filled up with many positive things.
So I have decided that this year I am not going to wait till xmas-evening to wrap myself into bubble wrap. And this in order to safeguard my feelings of hope. I badly want to be a teacher, human, lover, mother, supporter, sponsor (read xmas-shopper) who walks around in the best advent-spirit ever and try to pass on bits of that special feeling to all I come across on my way to the xmastree and nativity set. After all, I do think that advent is for sure a period in which you can try to think in a more positive way. And be grateful for all the things you do have!
Of course, you all out there you will challenge me in the weeks to come. You can try, you can come closer and make some of these little bubbles explode (or copy and paste the link you can find at end of the entry and believe me you will have some bubble wrap fun! ), but I refuse to let you that close that you can unwrap me and take away all the hope and faith I have! So don't be surprised to find this year xmasgifts wrapped into bubble wrap underneath the xmastree because I also strongly believe in recycling!
P.S.: With the first snow entering Belgium I wish you all a very happy advent and that you will wrap happily anything that you come across.
P.S.1: Two photo-collections will help me to stay wrapped up in the next weeks to come. First of all the shots I found on the net of Edward&Bella Cullen while filming 'Breaking Dawn'. Robert Patisson & Kristen Stewart in a 'hot' beach outfit & wearing a weddingring makes me smile! Sorry, to break the news to you but I won't share those pics with you, at least not for now! The other collection I don't mind sharing. And I do think that it for sure this one that matters most! Just take a look and hopefully you do agree that it is worth to still believe in a world where all living creatures can live without bubble wrap!
P.S.2: This bit tacky you-tube video I came across while surfing all over for my advent project. For sure not usable but at advent I do think that we try to get a bit closer to the stars. After all it was a star that showed us the way to the light! Perhaps nice background music while whatching the pics!
P.S.3: For tons of bubble wrap fun go to: www.virtual-bubblewrap.com/index.shtml
A & his godmother N that is always guaranteed fun! So when when N her P ended up spending the weekend in Paris and Stallie her P ended up spending a long Saturday amongst coworkers (being a moderator and imitating Nemo!) we decided to grant 'the A' an extra day filled up with fun. So around five we entered the huge movie complex of Kinepolis to go and watch finally 'that movie about those little yellow men that make pics of their ***'. Because when asked A if he knew something about the movie we were planning to go and see that was the short synopsis he gave!
A loves going to the movies. He was even more into the whole 3D-experience then his godmother. Also the prospect of having a whole bucket of popcorn and a huge funcup filled up to the brim with his favorite pop made him feel even more excited. So N was scoring big time when she picked us up! By the time we finally obtained the special 3D-glasses and took possession of our booked ahead seats A had already emptied half of his popcorn and most of pop as well!
To make sure that A was not going to be a major disturbance during the show I made him go twice to the smallest room! The sight of the little blond guy in a blue sweater and wearing those funny looking glasses and once in a while giving very out loud comments about that movie were just hilarious to make me LOL! But I got a crack out those little yellow 'Minions' and also Agnes made me just crawl over the floor. I was having fun and even the many hidden messages and double meanings made it for me a real nice time out!
When looked who was sitting next to me I saw a little guy moving around in this seat and a very fashionable N who seemed to have problems with those glasses. I had once read an article that there are some people whose eyes can't manage the whole 3D experiene. Not that she gave up but her eyes would not be grateful afterwards. A was moving up and down in his seat. ANTS IN MY PANTS!!! When I asked him if he had to go he said he just could not go NOW! I was kind of proud that he was for once not the disturbing little mignon!
So when the break came he made a run for the toilets. I was even not allowed to go with him. In a flash he was back and jumping back into his seat. There are moments as a mum that you want to make use of some science fiction equipment. And this was such a moment! Once again it was the cool & quick thinking godmother who saved the day by coming up with style advice!
By the time the yellow mignons showed their final tricks and the credits were passing along A was dressed up for combat and ready to face the Saturday crowth of the European capital! Try to picture two 'young' ladies walking through a touristic area of Brussels with a kid wearing a very long brown winterjacket and very funny brown hat! And wearing no pants! It was very hard to keep my face straight. Every time that A caught me smiling or LOL he said:'This is not supossed to be funny, you know?'
The walk to the carpark was one I will not forget that easily because A refused to walk! I had to carry him whole the way to the car! I tried to make no eyecontact whith anyone we met on our way. 'Dispicable Me' will go into our personal family history as the movie where none of us kept it dry! You can be sure we will get this one on DVD! Thanks as well N for this very nice day out!
P.S.: SPOILER-ALERT in case you are still planning to go and see the movie: DON'T READ ON! This week is National Storytelling Week in Belgium! So I do love this part in the movie! And I also believe strongely in telling stories before bedtime! And when we came out of the theater it was full moon and I was happy it was still there. A was very down to earth when Gru tried to steal the moon:'Mum, you can not do that! Stealing the moon! It is to big!'
A few weeks ago one tiny article in the newspaper caught my eye. It said that Prince Charles had invited the parents of Kate Middleton over for a hunting party. According to this article this was a major deal because hunting in the company of British Royals is not just hunting! Nope, it is the big deal! The sign you are waiting for because it the final curtain call! Once parents get that one invitation they know it will not just be game and tea that they get served.
So the signs were out! I was picturing Kate her parents dressed up for the hunt driving down in one of those typical Green Land Rover & feeling rather nervous as well. Bet that the British tabloids were hiding out along the road to catch a glimpse of the future inlaws of William!
Hey, after 8 years dating a Royal prince and having been spotted all over the place with him & chased by tabloid journalists, reading tons of insane stuff about yourself wherever she was buying a newspaper Kate was also wondering when the time would be there to tell the rest of the world that the royal wedding was on! The girl had already got the taste of what it was going to be like once they would plant a tiara on her head! Life would never be the same once William would slip that rock around her manicured finger!
Eight years that was what it took to make the Royal Prince pack his bags head with Kate to Africa and after three weeks of tracking around in Kenia (he had to hold on to that engagement ring very close the whole time!) to pop the final question! There were close friends travelling along! So they were to first to get the worldbreaking scoop for once and not family or the tabloids. William admited that he had not asked Kate her dad first because he was afraid of being denied the hand of his Kate! Funny!
When the news was made officially Charles was asked what he thought about his son future marriage:'Well, they have been practising long enough!' Guess that was something that he never was granted. Diana was 19 at the time when he proposed to her and in one flash turned her into the most photographed Royal of the world. We all know were that Royal Wedding finally ended? By the time William was about to get out of puberty he already had lost his closest ally when dealing with matters of the heart!
So while he was browsing through the high stacks of artbooks out there at Saint Andrews University and crossing, in the hallways of his dormitory, the mysterious and spontaneous looking Kate there must have been something in the air, something that made the difference, something that felt out of place, something that aroused his senses and feelings, something that touched him very intensly, something that made him smile, something that made his heart beat faster, something that made him anticipating, something that made him feel alive and happy! And also Kate must have been experiencing some of this!
Kate stood to her guy through out college! Even was the reason why he got this degree! They also had their less moonstruck moments when William openly seemed to consider Kate 'just' a girlfriend and was not considering marriage! He took a break in the company of his cool army comrades! Kate tried to enjoy a bit her regained freedom and dressed up for any occassion. And because I guess that also a prince gets his eyes on tabloids he ran back to his Kate begging for a kiss.
So finally after 8 long years and many more begged kisses from Kate he ordered to get that little jewelery box out of the vault and took it along to Africa! The engagement photoshoot and the interview they survived successfully! Let us hope that Kate will not always get haunted by the memory of Diana! In many ways she will because we all like to make comparisons. In William's case many wonder what the heritage of Diana is, what lives on in her own flesh and blood! William is not Diana and he is not Charles! Thank the lord for that!
Kate is the only one who will know what haunts him when the lights go out and what goes on in his mind. She will have to share him with many but when it comes down to true feelings and the matters of the heart she is the only one he will turn to. William pledged himself to keeping her safe and not let her be haunted by many of us who think that even her running to the gym with no make up on and perhaps wearing the wrong colors will be a major headline. Can you blame him? I don't think so because what you love and care for you do want to keep away from harm!
Uhm, in more then one way William reminds me of a certain Twilight character! They both are of the overprotective kind when taking care of their loved ones and they both used the engagement ring of their beloved mothers to make a girl for a split second (and longer!!)the happiest girl alive!
Let us hope that when those two are standing out there on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and the world is anticipating that one kiss that they kiss together! One thing is for sure that Kate does now know for sure: it is not 'Tom, Dick or Harry' she is getting married to! Harry she will have as an inlaw and she will hopefully feel more living amongst characters of a Shakespearean comedy instead of a drama!
"See! the mountains kiss high heaven, And the waves clasp one another; No sister flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea: - What are all these kissings worth, If thou kiss not me?"
~Percy Bysshe Shelley, Love's Philosophy
P.S.:I even twittered Peter Facinelli, alias vampire-dad Carlisle Cullen, telling him the news:'Charles invited Williams his future inlaws for a hunting party! Are you planning something similar for Charlie &Renee?' Trying to picture those two trying to hold up with Esme&Carlisle while chasing after mountain lions! Uhm, Esme perhaps better serves a few cucumber sandwiches and some Earl Grey tea and Carlisle better gets out the best bottle of Bollinger to celebrate this one in company of the future inlaws of Edward! ;-))
Believe it or not but there are moments that I have a love&hate relationship with this blog. Yesterday my finger was once more lingering around the delete button. And for the moment I have sent some entries to blogheaven! Not the first time that this has happened. Because I do have a conscience when I write. It is not because I do get 'Up, Close & Personal' that I do not have my own limits. But perhaps you, as a reader, are not aware of it!
Like most (I don't believe in the perfect&permanent state of happiness) I have screwed up! Some entries that I have writen have caused/cause me pain and have made me rethinking my attitude about blogging. Spending time in the virtual&digital world sometimes makes your head spin. Half of the time I do not know who reads this stuff. To me this is my diary! Instead I could actually take a nice personalized notebook covered in a floral design and put down all my personal stories in there and in black ink (ink that flows out of shiny & exclusive Mount Blanc (still on my wish list!) fountain pen) on some very nice thick white sheets. An old fashioned diary can be as cool as the must 'pimped up' blogsite but I found out that I wanted to extend my personal writing horizon. So I decided to go for the Blog instead!
When I have such days I do have talks with P and friends about my mental state. Because I then become aware of how others think and then I manage also to reshape my mind and attitude about writing. I do care about what people say or think. I truely do! But does this mean that I should stop writing/blogging? After almost two years out there I have learned some gloomy facts about blogging. Some people point out to me that I get 'very' personal when writing something and that not all people like 'my' way of treating words.
Uhm, so I don't play it safe! I am taking risks! The people who know me personal and since childhood will know that I am not the girl who will jump out of planes, who will smoke a cigarette or will try to cross the street when it is red. Most of the times I play it safe! But when I write I seem once a while to cross a certain boundary. It is then I dip my toes into the ice-cold water in order to find out if I can dive in!
Blogging has taken me to the desolate icecold waters of Antartica and I have been skinny dipping in the very comfortable water at the beaches of Bora Bora! What it does to others I do try to be aware of but I am not perfect! Okay, by using this modern digital tool I throw tons of rather (believe me there are still tons of facts you do not know about me and never will) personal things out in the open. Everybody can and is allowed to read about it.
It is the deal I made with the World of Bloggers! I have never signed a contract before boarding on this blog-adventure! It is a mental piece of paper with tiny words on it! Perhaps the most personalized contract I ever get to write! Hey, I do am aware that some people would never write about the stuff I love the write about. There are people who write and there are people who read. As an 'author' you can try to give your audience what they want but hey, I can't make you all happy! Some will only come by once and find out that this blog is not there favorite place to hang out at! Others will hang out with me for a longer period of time and a very tiny amount of blog-readers will have a longterm blog-relationship with me!
Do I care? Yes and no! To a certain extend I do. But I also have found out that also my audience can not always get a free pass! You can criticize me and then try to point out that I have crossed the line! Whose line do I then cross over? Your or mine? A line drawn by society, nature, the G20, the EU, the WWF, the WHO, the NATO, the Christian faith, diplomacy, etiquette ...... I can keep on going here for hours.....
For the moment I have made some adjustments in my own personal digital households. Call it the act of Digital Declutering! But even this 'good' deed is questioned by people. People I care about! In the next few days I will make up my mind. MY MIND! Not your mind and I even dare to state that I might prefer the freezing cold waters of the Artic Ocean to the rather comfortabel waters of the Poval Bay of Bora Bora. Once in a while I will go under and there will be moments that I am floating around in the way open sea not knowing what is ahead of me or coming my way!
So yes, Stallie is taking five! Five minutes is what I am granting myself mentally resting in a comfortabel hammock on the breathtaking shores of Bora Bora in order to contemplate about my blogging life! Five long minutes to put things back in order in my blog-mind and then I hope to back off for my next adventure of a life-time. MY LIFE-TIME!!!
The weather does not agree with me! To much rain and I have already blogged so many times about that bloody weather condition that I refuse to give it any more air-space! So I decided to go and find some inspiration elsewhere.
So the guest appearance of the month I kindly give to a very special bloglady: IndigoPetra. She wrote this entry to make us think why we sometimes fall for the moviestar or some other big shot out there. The guys or women who seem to have it all! The ones we desperately want to get closer to.
Yes, Stallie, still has got this thing going on for Peter Facinelli. Today, he will be in Dallas meeting fans. The last few days he was not on Twitter! Not I was worried but others seem to be! Uhm, the guy has got a job to do! 'Breaking Dawn' is now filmed on many fronts. Brazilians go crazzy and are even upset because they can't get as close to their beloved 'Bella&Edward' as they wish for!
Last Thursday while I was 'Remembering' London went insane for Harry&company! Movie #7 is out and so the red carpet was filled up with the many know names that we have been growing up with! Daniel, Emma & Rupert got their share of 'fan'-atic behaviour to witness while they were out there. There were even some Belgian flags waving in the crowth! I am big Harry Potter fan but facing the pouring rain for then just catch one glimpse of Ralph Fiennes, Emma Thompson or Daniel on a big projection screen is just a bit to far fetched!
It is for sure something that comes along with fame: fans! I am fan of many things, places, objects and for sure famous A's: actors, athlethes and authors. Those three groups can make me scream, yell, cry, smile, cheer, curse, shiver, and some other human reactions that take part inside and outside my human body.
Peter Facinelli (I would love to buy some of the cookies he was baking for a good cause while other wondered why he could not Twitter), Kim Clijsters (she is going to play Justine in a few weeks!), Herman Van Rompuy (the first European president signed very politely and with a warm smile his book filled up with 'haikus' I bought @ the Bookfair of Antwerp, he had brought along an army of security people), Sinterklaas (who just arrived in Antwerp and has to face the rain and keep smiling), Dick Norman ( tall redheaded man with curly hair, lovely smile and in the company with a tennis racket who will be playing the Masters Doubles along the side of Moodie) and today I voted for the best dressed British guy walking around on this globe (won't tell who I voted for because I consider voting rather a very personal act!) and many more can make me act like a fan.
Author wise I do not know how many people bother to read me and what would happen if I would announce one day that 'As Life goes By' is a thing of the past,... I don't know..... I do check my statistics but these don't tell all you wish to know. And if I come to think of it, am I worth a fanclub? Nope, don't think so but I do know that A for sure is my biggest fan ever and that P still is renewing his membership ever year again. Two fans that is all it takes to make me do the very best out there. For all the others that happen to read once in a while a piece that I have tried to 'compose': thank you so much for granting me some of your precious time! LOVE YOU ALL!
All the other emotions I do not wish to write about (at least not for the moment) are described in this rather very nice piece of writing:
IndigoPetra: Love: "Love... what does love mean to you? For me - by now - it is feeling at home when- and whereever I am, as long as I am with my husband. I do..."
P, A & I were able to sleep in on a Thursday and this together! Outside nature shows the first effects of colder temperatures. A & I now both love to warm up our beds with a cozzy warm cherry-pillow! P still is so brave to get fired up for a long run and takes along his MP3 player. The rest of the day we have not planned yet. A wishes to spend it with some friends or in a dark cinema theater. We shall see but we will have to go to the bakery to pick up some fresh croissants!
The last few days I asked my pupils in action why they will be granted an extra school- free day. It worries me sometimes that the younger generation 'will forget'! Especially when it comes down to historical facts. Looking at the average Belgian school curriculum that subject seems to have turned into a tiny footmark! I was kind of relieved to find out that my Juniors for sure know what 11.11 marks on a calendar.
Personal I am one of these people who very strongly believes in the importance of these days. And not only because I ended up with two college professors who were so into War Poetry. It takes more then a few lines of strong words to mark the deeper meaning of this day in your heart&mind.
This week P got all excited about the arrival of a certain Amazon package! The last few days he did spend in front of his computer screen, headphones plugged in and next to him the DVD-box of 'The Pacific'. We watched two episodes together and I must say that it is for sure this box belongs into P his personal war collection. In case you ever are granted a look atit you will notice that it breaths WAR!
P told me that he was one of these boys who liked to dress up as a soldier, build war headquarters, think tactics and force his younger siblings to enlist. In their back yard many wars were fought successfully. On top of that he had tons of those plastic soldiers (think Toy Story) who got engaged into many fantastic battles that were fought in his bedroom. I have seen the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about these memories.
Guess that globally many 'real' (uhm) men have got to tell some 'war'-stories that were fought at the homefront. And that in those cases most of the time the number of casualties was rather superficial. I am even tempted to call it a fixed ingredient of growing into men!
But... WAR it can not engage me into a cheerfull conversations or make my eyes sparkle. I have visted many places were the leftovers from an act of war are still to be witnessed. The first time that my dad dragged us children to the Ardennes and made us stare at the many rows of white crosses was a day that I won't easily forget. He repeated that act over and over. When we visited Normandy he made sure that we learned all the names of the beaches. He also pointed out many times that war did for sure changed the soil on which we walk. That those crosses mark more then just a grave of an other soldier.
In my own family the War (the 2nd WW) knocked also on the door. My grandfather, a Belgian solidier, was a POW during the second World War and my uncle joined up with the Royal Navy (he still wears this blue uniform with dignity and pride) at the time. My dad was about six when German soldiers bursted into their house. They seemed to be searching for British soldiers who were hiding out in the neighbourhood. But it turned out that one of them was just looking for the loo! My dad even remembered very vividly the first green colored bottle of Coco Cola brought along by the American troops!
Two words all of these men used/use always with a lot of reverence were/are the words FREEDOM & PEACE. Every time I was sitting in history class, when reading a poem or book, watching a movie about war they are there with me! In the eyes of many are wars fought for a cause! These acts of destruction seem to be justified! The casualties and sacrifices that were made were 'worthwhile'!
Still I am lost at words when I standing somewhere where the memories of war are revoked! The white crosses, the many gigantic war monuments that I have taken pictures never produced smiles. In most cases they made me feel 'small' and out of place. Even when I read a book covering War then I still seem to have the impression that not a single a word will be good enough to cover the impact of such a thing as war.
Listening to the 'Last Post' in Ypres (today there will be leafs of poppies falling out of the sky while standing underneath the Menengate), the poppies that pop up all over on the BBC around this date, the grey weather and the falling leaves, the growing DVD-collection of P, the pictures of 'great' war monuments I have taken all around the world, my family history, the grave of my grandfather (considered a military grave), the documentaries I get to see on TV it all enables me to remember! AND NEVER FORGET!
Modern Wars are perhaps fought differently but in a sense the effects are the same. In not a single war there are winners because at a certain moment who all tend to loose our dignity and pride. Principles and values are put to the ultimate test. It is then humans are forced to chose between 'right' and 'wrong'! Knowing that there is in most of these situations not such a thing.
It were my two beloved men who pointed out today for sure what this date stands for:
- P:'You know it must have been like hell out there! The war in the Pacific was so different compared to what was going in Normandy or in the Ardennes! Some soldiers called London and Paris at wartime a city trip when they met the guys who fought against the Japanese! You know if you come to think of it we are never grateful enough! People died out there, people so far away from home and some of their lives got ruined because of this. It was so much more then Lucky Strikes and Coca Cola they brought along.'
- A while watching the Children's channel:'Hey, mum, it the day that they put down the weapons! Can we go and watch them do that?'
Uhm, I guess that one of my private soldiers has grown up and that the other one still has a long way to go. But when I come to think it must be rather a strange and at the same time special moment to witness! The exact moment that a war is called to an end and that the weapons are silenced and that a soldier can put down his guard (weapon) and re-embrace what he/she ached for while being out there!
War is so hard to get your head around but what I truely do now wish to do is not forget about it that it ever happened. It happened just around the corner and it goes on just a few countries away. All of this justifies for sure a day to remember all those people that went/go the distance and put everything at stake they stood/stand for!
I am at lost for words and therefor I rather use the words of a Canadian soldier, doctor and poet, John McCrae, who was sure far way from home when he composed this wold famous War poem! One glance at poppies that is all it takes to take me there and remember!
PS: Boston Times Big Picture brought once more the 'best' images together so that we will never forget!
Midterm-break is about to end and this teacher is already fired up to go back out there. Yesterday a good friend of mine asked if it had been a good break! Without any hesisation I said:'YES!' Actually it was a winner!
I do consider this particular midterm break a winner and rather unique. Not only because of the longer nights, the bookclub meeting (where I am about to get evicted from because of promoting 'Carlisle Cullen' as the grown-up excuse to read 'Twilight'), the delicious day in Brussels with N (pizza, cupcakes and macarons), buying A his first pair of running shoes (the treadmill experience made me LOL), a day at a very nice city spa in Antwerp (Le Boudoir!!) in the company of W (that full treatment from top to toe made me dazzle!) and the many moments I did feel rather relax. No, it was so much more that made this week one to remember.
In my life I have this secret wishlist of things I want to become. I am not talking about becoming a movie star or being up on the ballot of this rather surrealistic nation. Most the items on that list I can call rather realistic and in reach. Last year I got to scratch out already one of the very important items: maid of honor! I am still so grateful to N that she included me into the fun&planning of her wedding. And also considers me responsible enough to take care of her when needed in her married life!
Two days ago I got one more item covered! Because on Guy Fawkes Night I got that one special phonecall of my brother J telling me that his third child was born. And by that act he turned me into a godmother! Imagine a 30 something going completely insane and screaming it out for joy! So on the fifth of November Stallie became the proud godmother of a very unique individual called ELLA!
I feel honored! I truely do, because I had to wait rather a long time to be asked by anyone. When A&J asked me last summer while we were at our family reunion I was so thrilled. They touched my heart by asking this. P knew that I had hoped to be asked but you never have guarantee that it also will happen for sure. But now I am a godparent! According to Wikipedia this means:
"Traditionally, godparents were informally responsible for ensuring the child's religious education was carried out, and for caring for the child should it be orphaned. Today, the word godparent might not have explicitly religious overtones. The modern view of a godparent tends to be an individual chosen by the parents to take an interest in the child's upbringing and personal development."
Uhm, at a first glance not that hard! I mean being a Religion teacher makes me educated enough to cover the education bit and if anything ever happens to her parents I will for sure be there for her. After all, I am family and family you do take care of and try to keep safe from harm and pain. But when I come to think of what the last sentence can stand for I do think I am up for quite a challenge.
Because showing interest in E her personal upbringing an personal development is not something I will be able by just writing a blog entry. In this case it will be for sure:'Action speaks louder then any words!'. So when I drove yesterday with a smiling face and heart (and yes I had the Disney image of the Fairy Godmothers of 'Sleeping Beauty' in mind) to the hospital for my first glances at my precious godchild I tried to put together a list of personal Godmother-intentions. Intentions I truely intend to keep. To make sure that I won't forget them I do put them down here:
As your godmother, Ella, I intend:
- to spoil you to bits (think candy, postcards, presents,......) - to take you along on adventures close by but also far away (think globally!) - to make you smile (think comedy and a godmother who will try to be funny once in a while!) - to let you speak out your mind (think fierce discussions about many facts&acts and me handing out pink handkerchiefs after perhaps the harsher ones) - to keep my door/house/kitchen open 24/24 (think 'shelter' in case of an emergency) - to celebrate the many milestones in your life (think many 'first time'-moments) - to be interested in your personal undertakings (think many long phonecalls) - to make you 'believe' & never lose faith (think meaningful talks about the facts of life!) - to love you unconditionally and forever (think kisses, hugs, smiles, pats on the shoulders and winks and other meaningful bodylanguage)
Okay, I do know that I lack for sure the magical powers that Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather have in the Disney Classic 'Sleeping Beauty'. But I hope that E will find what she will be looking for when she calls for me. There will be moments that she won't need me. Because she will surely try fixing things herself. Then I also intend to keep my fingers crossed. Because E will for sure be a very strong woman who will be ahead of her time! ;-)
The ten star highlight of this calendar year was the ultimate moment when the very proud mum A handed over to me this tiny bundle of love! In my hands I was holding a tiny, cute and so soft baby that was already awake and kicking. While E was lying there in my arms I started to glow and feel so special!
Best moment of all was when A made me take of her tiny baby bonnet and I discovered her incredible amount of black hair! This little human just looked perfect and so content that I suddenly was about to give into my emotions. I can't describe what went on inside of me while holding on to her. There are not enough words and not a single word suitable enough what I did feel and will feel when being close to E!
I just know one thing and that is that I am going to try to be the best godmother I can be. And in case I do screw up there is still godmother #2 M! Ella, godmother-wise I am sure you got all your bases covered. Hope to hit a few homeruns with you and when you are strike that I am the one who gets to send you out in the open (battle)-field with a great smile and all fired up!
P.S.: Ella, her name rhymes with many things I do like: MustELLA, NutELLA, FruitELLA, StELLA, CitronELLA, BELLA (!), Santiego de CompestELLA but this name also reminds of one very exceptional lady who sang out her heart and was considered 'the First Lady of Song': Ella Fitzgerald. So, girl, you will bring for sure some Jazzy tunes into my life and hope that we can enjoy many of those together! After all: Ella, Elle L'a!!!