Just a very quick note to say that I returned home after a very interesting Comenius trip. That Stallie is fueled up once more. That she was in very good company the last few days. She gained tons of weight (als in knowledge!) and brought home a heavier suitcase. But believe it or not did not buy one single book!
The last few days I have not blogging for myself but when I did find the time in between meetings or just before going out for dinner I tried to post something on our very interesting project site. In case you wonder what I posted there you are always welcome to take a peak at:
Don't worry about the fact that you might not be able to read any Dutch. Google translator might help you out! Sometimes very funny translations as a result. Enjoy and LOL!
P.S. One of the inspiring bookmarks I got from L, a very inspiring English teacher at CEIS, Rimini read as following:
Listen, Help, Play,
Understand, Trust, Support you,
Talk things over, ....
Hurt, Lie, Annoy,
Say mean things,
Yell, Curse,
Tell secrets,
Talk behind backs ...."
For sure some fitting words for my dear Comenius-friends!!! Miss you already!
P.S.: And in case you did not already knew Comenius is a name of a certain person. Google him and you will find out many interesting facts. To tickle your interest I posted her already picture of this a cool inspiring person!
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